Dear friends,
What a moving experience to breathe, dance, and do ritual at Callanish in Scotland. The experience leads me to invite you to the Evolutionary Rituals program starting Nov. 1.
Being at this five thousand year old sacred space this month, listening to their messages, I came away convinced of two things.
The need for ceremonies grounded in Earth, Sea, and Sky is part of our humanity.
Practices and rites that echo the ancient and new cosmic wisdom can help us navigate this precarious planetary moment.
For these reasons I'm offering a course in Evolutionary Rituals starting Nov. 1.
Because we are all leaders in this time of massive transition, I'm writing to invite you personally to bring your wisdom and join me in this program on the Deeptime Network .
Dancing Through the Darkness to the Ecozoic Era
Tuesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 PM ET Nov. 1 - 29
Early Bird Discount ends Oct. 28th!
What are EVOLUTIONARY RITUALS? They're where religion and spirituality, culture and science come together for Life. They acknowledge the grief and uncertainty of the climate crisis, the hope of the new Universe story, and the infinite potential in all to be cocreators of the future.
Why now? Evolutionary rituals are emerging to aid the necessary shift from dangerous disconnection with the living planet to one of sustainable interconnectivity. As vessels of conscious evolution, personally, culturally, and as a species, I feel deeply, they are what Earth calls us to do now.
I’m inviting you for three reasons.
I'm excited to share a transformative model of rituals I’ve developed over two decades.
In, out, and on the fringe of the church, this ritual formula has expanded my own vision, deepened my faith, empowered my lifework, extended my sense of purpose, and assured me of my gifts and response abilities to the future.
Your experience and wisdom would deeply enrich what will be a cocreative program and a diverse, international, and cutting edge community.
You have a role to play. Parent, grandparent, scientist, artist, teacher, public servant, celebrant, or clergy – adapting traditional rituals, experiencing and cocreating new ones, exploring new language and symbols – it’s an ageless and universal way to fashion a future people for a never-before time.
if you have technical, financial, or ideological questions or concerns please feel welcome to contact me at carolkilbyauthor@gmail.com or Jennifer Morgan at hello@dtnetwork.org.
"Who's coming? What's happening at the Stones these days?" I asked the site manager on leaving. "Healing, it's all about healing," was her answer. "Personal? Planetary?" I wanted more specifics. Her message was grounding.
"Well it's all connected, isn't it!"
May these messages from the Stones ground your life and mine,
and may our lives be seeds of distant tomorrows.
Carol Kilby
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